Kelli received her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University in Family and Child Sciences with a specialization in Early Childhood Development. From there, she received her Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Florida International University. Since 2015, Kelli has worked with children aged 2-18 as a pediatric Occupational Therapist in outpatient settings. She specializes in addressing sensory integration, self-regulation, sensory motor, fine motor, visual motor, and visual perceptual skills to ensure children are able to meaningfully participate in school, self-care, and play/leisure related activities. She uses strategies from established programs such as Handwriting Without Tears and Zones of Regulation in combination with individualized treatment strategies to ensure children reach their maximal potential, all while encouraging fun and play! Kelli works together with the child, family, and teachers to ensure her clients are reaching their maximal potential not only during their time at Pinnacle but in their everyday lives.